Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Getting Lost

After a very long day of travel, I am finally in Rome. As soon as we landed, a bus picked us up from Fuimicino aiport and took us to the John Felice Rome Center. From there, my brother, friends and I decided to go exploring. After dinner, we took the 913 bus at about 8:30pm to the heart of Rome. The city was all lit up and everybody was out visiting. The culture in Rome is very different from that of the states. We wandered into a little cafe that was about to close, however, the owner, Antonio, stayed open an extra hour to let us drink wine and experience the city. Leaving Antonio's, we got lost. Instead of worrying about it, we embraced the opportunity to learn about the city and find new places. We stumbled upon a gelateria called Giottorio, which had some of the best looking gelato in Rome. Walking back, we tried to use the little bit of italian that we knowto speak to the locals and get directions. Amused and willing to help, a little old man who was driving one of the busses pointed us in the right direction. So here I am. Laying in my bed at 12:00 in the morning in Rome. And I could not have asked for a better first night to start our journey.

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