Wednesday, April 3, 2013

I Love You A Million Red MnM's

    These past ten days have been some of the most fun, unexpected and memorable in my entire study abroad experience. My mom and grandma came to visit. They came at the perfect time. Just as I was starting to miss home, the best piece of home came to visit.
    Seeing my grandma and mom for the first time in three months was the best. As soon as I hugged my mom, I started balling like a baby. It was so nice to know that for ten days I had them all to myself. My grandma had never been to Rome before, so it was fun for me to be able to take her around and show her all of the things that I have seen and learned more about everyday for the past three months.
    My favorite part about my family visiting was that I was able to experience Rome with my mom. For any of you who know me and my mother, you know that we are best friends, and she is the closest person on this earth to me. When she came to Rome, it was like a vacation, but not one that I have ever experienced with her before. I have never been able to share a glass of wine with my mom, show her the streets that I walk everyday among the ancient town of Rome, or take her for chocolate shots at the heart of Trastevere with all of the college students. We talked, we shopped, we shared some of the best pasta ever and we made memories that will last both of us forever.
      Both my mom and grandma spoiled me endlessly while they were here. For a college student trying to save money everywhere she can, having your mom and grandma come and pay for wonderful meals, insist on getting a cab instead of walking in the pouring rain and let you wear all of their new clothes was the best!
     Luckily, they were also here for Easter, so we were able to go to Easter Mass at the Vatican and see Pope Francesco. After, we had a wonderful dinner and a relaxing evening. My brother and I loved having them here. It was a nice break from school and helped with us missing home.
    My mom and I have a thing were we say "I love you a million..." Being the girls we are, usually it revolves around candy. I will forever remember hugging my mom goodbye the night before she left after having spent an amazing ten days with her. She hugged me tight, kissed me twice and whispered "I love you a million red mnm's."



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